Legal notices


Legal form : SAS

Share capital : 150 000 €

Siret identification number : 341818904 00037

EPA number : 3320B

Publication Director : Monsieur Fabrice Chabut

Host : Plesk

Warning concerning the information contained on the site

This site is intended for professionals. The data provided on this site are provided for information purposes only and should be treated as such. This site is updated only occasionally and at the sole discretion of Evoli SAS. As such, the information contained therein is valid only on the day of its drafting, or, as the case may be, its distribution. Evoli SAS gives no guarantee as to the accuracy of the data and reserves the right to modify them, partially or totally, at any time, without notice, as much in terms of contents, functionalities as according to the evolution of technology. The official language of this site is French. The company Evoli SAS declines any responsibility concerning the possible approximations of translation in another language. This site is subject to French law and the jurisdiction of the French courts.